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Professors from HKPU and GT address series of lectures on non-equilibrium materials




Recently Assistant Professor Wang Yongwei invited Professor Zheng Guangping who is from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and Professor Li Mo who is from Georgia Institute of Technology to address series of lectures on non-equilibrium materials. Professor Zheng made the talkInterface of the nano-scale amorphous alloy,and Pofessor Li made a colloquium on non-equilibrium materials: science of non-equilibrium processing of materials》,《a new approach to harden and toughen metallic glasses,Atomic structure of amorphous solids and liquids:  fundamental challenge in non-equilibrium processing of materials. Due to the epidemic, the series of lectures were conducted online. These series of lectures were financially supported by the Youth Teacher International Exchange & Growth Program of International office, which aims to promote communication and cooperation with outstanding researchers from abroad.


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