Professor and chief scientist in the advanced energy steel team in Collaborative Innovation Center of Steel Technology. He received Ph.D. degree on Materials Science and Engineering at USTB in 1996. Between 2000 and 2001, he worked as visiting researcher
Professor and chief scientist in the advanced energy steel team in Collaborative Innovation Center of Steel Technology. He received Ph.D. degree on Materials Science and Engineering at USTB in 1996. Between 2000 and 2001, he worked as visiting researcher at Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden. After that he was employed by Swedish Institute for Metals Research (now known as Swerim) in Stochholm, worked as senior researcher for 5 years. From 2005 to present, he works as professor in USTB, mainly engaging in research of advanced steels and electronic packaging materials. He has published more than 190 academic papers in peer-reviewed journals such as Acta Materialia, Composites, Corrosion Science, Journal of Nuclear Materials, and authorized 8 patents.
【Selected Research Projects】Multi-scale Microstructure Optimization of Super Austenite Stainless Steel during Solidification and Hot Deformation, (NSFC-Shanxi joint key project, 2019-2022)
Development of structural stainless steel for Marine Architecture (863 Program, 2015-2018).
Investigation on Interface Design and Manufacture Technology of Novel High Thermal Conductive Composite Material (Key Program for International S&T Cooperation Projects of China, 2014-2017)
Development of Forming Technology of AP1000 Main Pipeline for nuclear power plant (863 Program, 2012-2015).
【Selected Publications】
Dandan Zhao, Shilei Li, Yanli Wang, Fang Liu, Xitao Wang, nvestigation of ion irradiation hardening behaviors of tempered and long-term thermal aged T92 steel, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2018, v.511, 191-199.
Guo Chang, Fangyuan Sun, Jialiang Duan, Zifan Che, Xitao Wang, Jinguo Wang, Moon J Kim, Hailong Zhang, Effect of Ti interlayer on interfacial thermal conductance between Cu and diamond, Acta Materialia, 2018, v.160, 235-246.
Luhua Wang, Jianwei Li, Massimo Catalano, Guangzhu Bai, Ning Li, Jingjie Dai, Xitao Wang, Hailong Zhang, Jinguo Wang, Moon J Kim, Enhanced thermal conductivity in Cu/diamond composites by tailoring the thickness of interfacial TiC layer, Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 2018, v.113, 76-82.
Zhen Liu, Zhengdong Liu, Xitao Wang, Zhengzong Chen, Longteng Ma, Evolution of the microstructure in aged G115 steels with the different concentration of tungsten, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2018, v.729, 161-169.
B Zhang, F Xue, SL Li, XT Wang, NN Liang, YH Zhao, G Sha, Non-uniform phase separation in ferrite of a duplex stainless steel, Acta Materialia, 2017, v.140, 388-397.
Zifan Che, Qingxiao Wang, Luhua Wang, Jianwei Li, Hailong Zhang, Yang Zhang, Xitao Wang, Jinguo Wang, Moon J Kim, Interfacial structure evolution of Ti-coated diamond particle reinforced Al matrix composite produced by gas pressure infiltration, Composites Part B: Engineering, 2017, v.113, 285-290.
Shilei Li, Yanli Wang, Hui Wang, Changsheng Xin, Xitao Wang, Effects of long-term thermal aging on the stress corrosion cracking behavior of cast austenitic stainless steels in simulated PWR primary water, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2016, v.469, 262–268.
Congfeng Wu, Shilei Li, Changhua Zhang, Xitao Wang, Microstructural evolution in 316LN austenitic stainless steel during solidification process under different cooling rates, Journal of Materials Science, 2016, v.51(5), 2529–2539.
Zifan Che, Yang Zhang, Jianwei Li, Hailong Zhang, Xitao Wang, Ce Sun, Jinguo Wang, Moon J. Kim, Nucleation and growth mechanisms of interfacial Al4C3 in Al/diamond composites, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2016, v.657, 81–89.
Jianwei Li, Hailong Zhang, Yang Zhang, Zifan Che, Xitao Wang, Microstructure and thermal conductivity of Cu/diamond composites with Ti-coated diamond particles produced by gas pressure infiltration, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2015, v.647, 941-946.
Jianwei Li, Xitao Wang, Yi Qiao, Yang Zhang, Zhanbing He, Hailong Zhang, High thermal conductivity through interfacial layer optimization in diamond particles dispersed Zr-alloyed Cu matrix composites, Scripta Materialia, 2015, v.109, 72–75.
Yang Zhang, Jianwei Li, Lili Zhao, Xitao Wang, Optimisation of high thermal conductivity Al/diamond composites produced by gas pressure infiltration by controlling infiltration temperature and pressure, Journal of Materials Science, 2015, v50(2), 688-696.
Shilei Li, Yanli Wang, Xitao Wang, Effects of Ni content on the microstructures, mechanical properties and thermal aging embrittlement behaviors of Fe–20Cr–xNi alloys, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2015, v.639, 640-646.
Shilei Li, Yanli Wang, Xitao Wang, Effects of ferrite content on the mechanical properties of thermal aged duplex stainless steels, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2015, v.625, 186-193.
An He, Ganlin Xie, Xiaoya Yang, Xitao Wang, Hailong Zhang, A physically-based constitutive model for a nitrogen alloyed ultralow carbon stainless steel, Computational Materials Science, 2015, v.98, 64-69.